
Before you even decide to put your product or service on the market, you need to develop a solid branding that would set it apart from the competition. Branding is how you tell people what the result of your hard work is about. It can be your key in creating a connection and building relationships with your target audience.

Branding is giving a product, an individual, or a company a design, symbol, and message that is uniquely theirs. With these, people can recognize and relate to the brand better. Unfortunately, this part of the task is not the easiest to accomplish. It involves a lot of contemplating, research, and decision-making.

If it is your first time creating branding on your own, we have some tips that you may find helpful:

Tip 1: Do Your Thorough Market Research

Before you create that defined image and message that you want to associate with your company or product, you first need to know what people think of your brand. By getting the right information, you would know up to what extent your next steps should be. Here are some details that you would want to gather during your research:

  • How much do people know about your brand? Are they familiar with it or completely unaware?
  • If they are aware, what do they think of your brand? What are their initial impressions or thoughts about it?
  • How do your first few customers perceive your brand vs other related brands?

These tiny details could help determine how you should position your branding. You could also get relevant insights as to what they see as effective or not. To ensure that you get quality information for this research, consider hiring an expert to conduct it for you.

Tip 2: Determine Your Unique Value Proposition

Even before you start your business, you should have that unique quality or feature that would make you stand out from the rest. It is an essential element that you can highlight in your branding. Keep in mind that the message you put out there is your brand’s promise to your customers, so you have to communicate it accurately to avoid making false promises.

Tip 3: Choose Your Brand Name Carefully

The brand name is what people will call your company, product, or service, so you need to choose it carefully. There are many considerations when it comes to choosing the brand name. It needs to be easy to recall, catchy, recognizable, and more importantly, it must deliver your message clearly.

Tip 4: Ensure That People Can Emotionally Connect With Your Brand

People remember feelings better than what they see. Therefore, it is important that you make a brand that resonates with your target audience. That way, you can grab their attention, and it could serve as your first step towards acquiring their loyalty. When people can relate to your brand, they would remember it better and perhaps prefer it over other brands.

Tip 5: Be Consistent With Your Messaging

The key for people to remember your brand even better is to stay consistent with your branding. Apply your chosen colour, font, design style, and voice to all your company materials. It should be reflected even in your office, your uniform, your email body, and everything else. That way, people will recognize your brand quickly, and as a result, increase brand retention.


These are only a few of the many steps you can take to create that strong branding that would reshape how your customers, employees, and investors perceive your company. Those with well-thought-out branding and clear messaging get valued higher by their customers, clients, and supporters. It helps distinguish your brand from your competitors and clearly communicate what you can offer.

Should you need professional help in creating compelling branding, contact us at Kingz Marketing. We are a digital marketing agency in Calgary that could help you develop the brand design and strategy that would be your key to success. Our branding experts will guide you through the planning stage and help build your website’s distinct look and feel.